
AZM 200 B SK-T-1P2PW

Código do item: 101194472


TraceParts Dados CAD
ePLAN Dados
Descrição do tipo de produtos:

AZM 200(1)(2)-T-(3)(4)

semSupervisão de fechamento >
BSupervisão de atuadores

SKConexão por parafuso
CCConexão de polia de mola
ST1Conector M23 x 1, (8+1 polos)
ST2Conector M12 x 1, 8 polos

1P2P1 Saída de diagnóstico série e 2 Saídas de segurança , tipo p (PNP)
1P2PWigual - 1P2P, sinal de diagnóstico combinado: dispositivo de proteção fechado e solenoide bloqueado
SD2PSaída de diagnóstico serial 2 Saídas de segurança , tipo p (PNP)

semPrincípio de travamento por mola
APrincípio de travamento por corrente elétrica
Nem todas as variações listadas no código do pedido estão disponíveis e/ou são tecnicamente viáveis.
  • Actuator monitored
  • Thermoplastic enclosure
  • Electronic contact-free, coded system
  • Max. length of the sensor chain 200 m
  • Self-monitoring series-wiring
  • 3 LEDs to show operating conditions
  • Sensor technology permits an offset between actuator and interlock of ± 5 mm vertically and ± 3 mm horizontally
  • Intelligent diagnosis
  • Manual release

Ordering data

Note (Delivery capacity)

Excluído do programa de fornecimento!

Product type description

AZM 200 B SK-T-1P2PW

Article number (order number)


EAN (European Article Number)


eCl@ss number, version 12.0


eCl@ss number, version 11.0


eCl@ss number, version 9.0


ETIM number, version 7.0


ETIM number, version 6.0


Approvals - Standards



General data


EN ISO 13849-1

EN IEC 60947-5-1

EN IEC 61508

Working principle


Housing material

Plástico, termoplástico reforçado com fibra de vidro

Reaction time, maximum

60 ms

Duration of risk, maximum

120 ms

Gross weight

600 g

General data - Features

Power to unlock


Actuator monitored


Manual release


Short circuit detection


Cross-circuit detection




Safety functions


Integral system diagnostics, status


Number of safety contacts


Safety classification


EN IEC 60947-5-3

EN IEC 61508

Mission time

20 Year(s)

Safety classification - Interlocking function

Performance Level, up to




PFH value

4,00 x 10⁻⁹ /h

PFD value

1,00 x 10⁻⁴

Safety Integrity Level (SIL), suitable for applications in


Mission time

20 Year(s)

Mechanical data

Mechanical life, minimum

1.000.000 Operations

Holding force FZh in accordance with EN ISO 14119

2.000 N

Note (clamping force FZh)

1.000 N em conjunto com um atuador AZ/AZM201-B30 para montagem interna.

Holding force Fmax, maximum

2.600 N

Note (clamping force Fmax)

1.300 N em conjunto com um atuador AZ/AZM201-B30 para montagem interna.

Latching force

30 N

Actuating speed, maximum

0,2 m/s

Tightening torque of the fastening screws for the housing cover, minimum

0,7 Nm

Tightening torque of the fastening screws for the housing cover, maximum

1 Nm


Torx T10

Mechanical data - Connection technique


Ligação por parafuso M20 x 1.5

Cable section, minimum

0,25 mm²

Cable section, maximum

1,5 mm²


Todas as indicações sobre a secção dos cabos incluem os fios condutores.

Wire cross-section, minimum

23 AWG

Wire cross-section, maximum

15 AWG

Wire cross-section

23 ... 15 AWG

Allowed type of cable

Rígido de um fio

Rígido de vários fios


Mechanical data - Dimensions

Length of sensor

50 mm

Width of sensor

40 mm

Height of sensor

220 mm

Ambient conditions

Degree of protection


Ambient temperature

-25 ... +60 °C

Storage and transport temperature

-25 ... +85 °C

Relative humidity, minimum

30 %

Relative humidity, maximum

95 %

Note (Relative humidity)

não condensado

Resistance to vibrations

10 … 55 Hz, amplitude 1 mm

Restistance to shock

30 g / 11 ms

Protection class


Ambient conditions - Insulation values

Rated insulation voltage Ui

32 VDC

Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp

0,8 kV

Overvoltage category


Degree of pollution


Electrical data

Operating voltage

24 VDC -15 % / +10 %

No-load supply current I0, typical

600 mA

Rated operating voltage

24 VDC

Operating current

50 mA

Time to readiness, maximum

4.000 ms

Switching frequency, approx.

1 Hz

Electrical data - Magnet control

Switching thresholds

-3 V … 5 V (Low)

15 V … 30 V (High)

Magnet switch-on time

100 %

Electrical data - Safety digital inputs

Switching thresholds

−3 V … 5 V (Low)

15 V … 30 V (High)

Current consumption at 24 V

5 mA

Electrical data - Safety digital outputs

Rated operating current (safety outputs)

250 mA

Voltage drop Ud, maximum

4 V

Leakage current Ir, maximum

0,5 mA

Voltage, Utilisation category DC-13

24 VDC

Current, Utilisation category DC-13

0,25 A

Electrical data - Diagnostic outputs

Voltage drop Ud, maximum

4 V

Voltage, Utilisation category DC-13

24 VDC

Current, Utilisation category DC-13

0,05 A

Status indication

Note (LED switching conditions display)

Estado operacional : LED amarelo

Falha avaria funcional: LED vermelho

Tensão de alimentação UB: LED verde indica

Scope of delivery

Scope of delivery

O atuador não está incluído no fornecimento.

Chave triangular para AZM 200


Recommendation (actuator)

AZ/AZM 200-B1


Note (General)

Desde que o atuador esteja inserido no encravamento, a porta que esta aberta pode ser encravada. Neste caso, as saídas de segurança são reativadas, de modo a que a proteção não tenha de ser aberta.

103013910 AZM201B-SK-T-1P2PW
  • Power to unlock
  • Actuator monitored
  • Thermoplastic enclosure
  • Max. length of the sensor chain 200 m
  • Self-monitoring series-wiring
  • Coding in accordance to ISO 14119 by using RFID-Technology
  • 3 LEDs to show operating conditions
  • Sensor technology permits an offset between actuator and interlock of ± 5 mm vertically and ± 3 mm horizontally
  • Suitable for hinged and sliding guards
  • Intelligent diagnosis
  • Manual release
  • Protection class IP66, IP67
  • High holding force 2000
  • symmetrical construction form, assembly on 40mm profiles
  • OSSD safety outputs
  • Emergency exit / Emergency release suitable for retrofitting

EU Declaration of Conformity LOG_COM_lo1de01s

K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG
Möddinghofe 30
42279 Wuppertal
Declaration:We hereby certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the applicable European Directives.
Name of the component:AZM 200
Type:See ordering code
Description of the component:Interlocking device with electromagnetic interlock for safety functions
Relevant Directives:Machinery Directive2006/42/EC
Applied standards:EN 60947-5-3:2013
ISO 14119:2013
EN ISO 13849-1:2015
EN 61508 parts 1-7:2010
EN 62061:2005 + AC:2010 + A1:2013 + A2:2015
Notified body for Type Examination:TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH
Am Grauen Stein, 51105 Köln
ID n°: 0035
EC-Type Examination Certificate:01/205/5122.02/20
Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation:Oliver Wacker
Möddinghofe 30
42279 Wuppertal
Place and date of issue:Wuppertal, May 12, 2020
 Authorised signature
Philip Schmersal
Managing Director

Schmersal India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No - G-7/1, Ranjangaon MIDC, Tal. - Shirur, Dist.- Pune 412 220

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Gerado em 25/03/2025 09:00