

  • Level 1: Reset without edge detection, Optional Automatic reset function, Short-circuit recognition, Level 2: / Opener (NC) Normally open contact (NO)
  • Multifunctional safety relay module for superior diagnostics and visualisation
  • Suitable for the signal processing of outputs with contact sensors
  • Suitable for signal processing of outputs connected to potentials (AOPDs), e.g. safety light grids/curtains
  • Suitable for the signal processing of outputs with contact sensors
  • 3 safety contacts, STOP 0
  • 2 + 6 Signalling outputs

Schmersal India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No - G-7/1, Ranjangaon MIDC, Tal. - Shirur, Dist.- Pune 412 220

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Udarbejdet d. 24.03.2025 10.53