Decentralised signal processing

PROFINET Safety-Field-Box
- Safety fieldbox for PROFINET/PROFIsafe
- For connection of up to 8 safety switching devices
- Integrated dual-port switch, IRT-capable
- Protection class IP67

EtherCAT-Safety fieldbox
- Safety fieldbox for EtherCAT with FSoE
- For connection of up to 8 safety switching devices
- Integrated dual-port switch
- Protection class IP66, IP67

EthernetIP-Safety-Feldbox (KAS)
- Safety fieldbox for EtherNet/IP with CIP-Safety
- For connection of up to 8 safety switching devices
- Integrated dual-port switch
- Protection class IP66, IP67
In extensive plants, a high wiring effort quickly arises in the task of routing all signals of the safety components to the safety controller. The SFB safety field box offers an efficient solution. Safety-related signals are collected decentrally and sent to the central safety controller via a safe fieldbus