

Número de artículo: 103047344


Trace Parts Datos CAD
ePLAN Datos
  • Thermoplastic enclosure
  • Repeated individual coding with RFID technology
  • Coding level "High" according to ISO 14119
  • Suitable for hinged and sliding guards
  • 3 different directions of actuation
  • Guard locking monitored
  • Power to unlock
  • Emergency exit
  • Magnet supply through the AS-Interface
  • hygienic design
  • Protection class IP 69
  • Solenoid interlock with integrated AS-i Safety Interface
  • Universal repeatedly teachable or individual coding because of the RFID technology
  • I-variants with coding level HIGH to ISO 14119
  • 2 integrated snap-in stages

Ordering data

Note (Delivery capacity)

No más disponible!

Product type description


Article number (order number)


EAN (European Article Number)


eCl@ss number, version 12.0


eCl@ss number, version 11.0


eCl@ss number, version 9.0


ETIM number, version 7.0


ETIM number, version 6.0


Approvals - Standards







General data


EN IEC 62026-2

EN ISO 13849-1

EN ISO 14119

EN IEC 60947-5-3

EN IEC 61508


Codificación individual, aprendizajes multiples

Coding level according to EN ISO 14119


Working principle


Frequency band RFID

125 kHz

Transmitter output RFID, maximum

-6 dB/m

Housing material

Plástico reforzado con fibra de vidrio

Reaction time, maximum

120 ms

Duration of risk, maximum

200 ms

Gross weight

644 g

General data - Features

Power to unlock

Solenoid interlock monitored


Emergency exit

Safety functions

Integral system diagnostics, status

Number of actuating directions


Safety classification


EN ISO 13849-1

EN IEC 61508

Safety classification - Interlocking function

Performance Level, up to




PFH value

1,34 x 10⁻⁹ /h

PFD value

2,34 x 10⁻⁴

Safety Integrity Level (SIL), suitable for applications in


Mission time

20 Year(s)

Mechanical data

Mechanical life, minimum

1.000.000 Operations

Note (Mechanical life)

Si se utiliza como tope de resguardo: ≥ 50.000 maniobras (con pesos de resguardos ≤ 5 kg) y velocidad de accionamiento ≤ 0.5 m/s)

Angular misalignment between solenoid interlock and actuator, maximum

2 °

Holding force FZh in accordance with EN ISO 14119

1.150 N

Holding force Fmax, maximum

1.500 N

Latching force, adjustable, position 1

25 N

Latching force, adjustable, position 2

50 N

Type of the fixing screws

2x M6

Tightening torque of the fixing screws, minimum

6 Nm

Tightening torque of the fixing screws, maximum

7 Nm

Mechanical data - Switching distances according EN IEC 60947-5-3

Switch distance, typical

2 mm

Assured switching distance "ON" Sao

1 mm

Assured switching distance "OFF" Sar

20 mm

Mechanical data - Connection technique


Conector empotrado M12, 4-polos, codificación A

Mechanical data - Dimensions

Length of sensor

146 mm

Width of sensor

87,5 mm

Height of sensor

55 mm

Ambient conditions

Degree of protection




Ambient temperature

+0 ... +60 °C

Storage and transport temperature

-10 ... +90 °C

Relative humidity, maximum

93 %

Note (Relative humidity)

sin condensación

sin escarcha

Resistance to vibrations

10 … 150 Hz, amplitud 0,35 mm

Restistance to shock

30 g / 11 ms

Protection class


Permissible installation altitude above sea level, maximum

2.000 m

Ambient conditions - Insulation values

Rated insulation voltage Ui

32 VDC

Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp

0,8 kV

Overvoltage category


Degree of pollution


Electrical data

Time to readiness, maximum

5.000 ms

Electrical data - AS Interface

Rated operating voltage

26,5 ... 31,6 VDC (Protection against polarity reversal)

AS-i Current consumption, maximum

200 mA

Electrical data - AS-Interface specification

AS-i Specification

Esclavo de seguridad

AS-i Version

V 3.0

AS-i Profile


AS-i Input, Channel 1

Bits de datos DI 0/DI 1 = transmisón dinámica de códigos

AS-i Input, Channel 2

Bits de datos DI 2/DI 3 = transmisón dinámica de códigos

AS-i Outputs, DO 0

Control del solenoide

AS-i Outputs, DO 1

Sin función

AS-i Outputs, DO 2

Sin función

AS-i Outputs, DO 3

Sin función

AS-i Parameter bits, P0

Resguardo de seguridad cerrado y puede ser bloqueado

AS-i Parameter bits, P1

Dispositivo de bloqueo bloqueado

AS-i Parameter bits, P2

Tensión auxiliar disponible

AS-i Parameter bits, P3

Error de dispositivo (FID)

Note (AS-i Parameter bits)

Las salidas de parámetro deben configurarse en "1111" (0xF).

FID: error periférico.

AS-i Input module address


Note (AS-i Input module address)

Predeterminado en dirección 0, posibilidad de modificación a través de maestro de bus AS-Interface o dispositivo de programación manual

Electrical data - Magnet control

Magnet switch-on time

100 %

Status indication

Note (LED switching conditions display)

(1) LED verde/rojo (LED AS-i bicolor): tensión de alimentación / error de comunicación / error de esclavo = 0 / error periférico detectado / error de equipo detectado / protección contra la neutralización/manipulación activa

(2) LED amarillo: Estado del dispositivo (estado de habilitación)

(3) LED rojo: Error de dispositivo

Pin assignment


AS-Interface +


Aux - (P)


AS-Interface -


Aux + (P)

Scope of delivery

Scope of delivery

Actuator must be ordered separately.


Recommendation (actuator)



Note (General)

Do osłon wpuszczonych w ramę można użyć opcjonalnego zestawu montażowego MP-AZ/AZM300-1.

Do osłon wykonanych ze szkła lub Makrolonu można uzyć opcjonalnego zestawu montażowego MS-AZ/AZM300-B1-1

Tak długo, jak aktywator pozostaje włożony do blokady, osłona bezpieczeństwa może być ponownie zaryglowana. W tym przypadku, wyjścia bezpieczeństwa są ponownie załączane, tak, że osłona bezpieczeństwa nie może zostać otwarta.

Filtro de idiomas

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103011892 AZM300Z-I2-ST-AS-T
  • Thermoplastic enclosure
  • Repeated individual coding with RFID technology
  • Coding level "High" according to ISO 14119
  • Suitable for hinged and sliding guards
  • 3 different directions of actuation
  • Guard locking monitored
  • Power to unlock
  • Emergency exit
  • Magnet supply through the AS-Interface
  • hygienic design
  • Protection class IP 69
  • Solenoid interlock with integrated AS-i Safety Interface
  • Universal repeatedly teachable or individual coding because of the RFID technology
  • I-variants with coding level HIGH to ISO 14119
  • 2 integrated snap-in stages

Declaración de conformidad CE
EU Declaration of Conformity LOG_COM_lo1de01s

K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG
Möddinghofe 30
42279 Wuppertal
Declaration:We hereby certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the applicable European Directives.
Name of the component:AZM300-AS
Type:See ordering code
Description of the component:Interlocking device with electromagnetic interlock for safety functions with integrated AS-i Safety at Work
Relevant Directives:Machinery Directive2006/42/EC
Applied standards:IEC 60947-5-3:2013
EN ISO 14119:2013
EN 300 330 V2.1.1:2017
EN ISO 13849-1:2015
IEC 61508 parts 1-7:2010
Notified body for Type Examination:TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH
Am Grauen Stein, 51105 Köln
ID n°: 0035
EC-Type Examination Certificate:01/205.5281.03/20
Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation:Oliver Wacker
Möddinghofe 30
42279 Wuppertal
Place and date of issue:Wuppertal, March 4, 2021
 Authorised signature
Philip Schmersal
Managing Director

Schmersal India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No - G-7/1, Ranjangaon MIDC, Tal. - Shirur, Dist.- Pune 412 220

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Generado a 25/3/2025 3:32