Access protection

AZM 40
- Pieni, tasainen runko
- Korkea pitovoima 2000 N
- Lukitusvoima 40 N
- Tarpeenmukainen käsittelysuoja tekniikan avulla
- Yksilöllisesti koodattu. Koodaustaso "korkea" ISO 14119
- Sama malli kääntö- ja liukuoviin
- Vaikuttaja käännettävissä portaattomasti 180 astetta
- Symmetrinen rakenne, kiinnitettävissä molemminpuolisesti
- 119,5 mm x 40 mm x 20 mm

- Thermoplastic enclosure
- Max. length of the sensor chain 200 m
- Self-monitoring series-wiring
- Coding in accordance to ISO 14119 by using RFID-Technology
- 3 LEDs to show operating conditions
- Sensor technology permits an offset between actuator and interlock of ± 5 mm vertically and ± 3 mm horizontally
- Suitable for hinged and sliding guards
- Intelligent diagnosis
- Manual release
- Protection class IP66, IP67
- High holding force 2000
- symmetrical construction form, assembly on 40mm profiles
- OSSD safety outputs
- Emergency exit / Emergency release suitable for retrofitting

Actuator AZ/AZM201-B30
- Saranasuojusten ohjainpää
- Käyttö helppoa ja intuitiivista
- Esiinpistävä avain ei aiheuta onnettomuusvaaraa
- Muita ovikahvoja ei tarvita
- Ei työnny oviaukkoon

- hygienic design
- Protection class IP 69
- Suitable for mounting to profile systems
- Thermoplastic enclosure
- RFID-technology for needs-based protection against tampering
- 3 different directions of actuation
- Compact design
- 3 LEDs to show operating conditions
- Suitable for hinged and sliding guards
- Series-wiring
- Manual release

BDF 40
- Joustavuus 12-väristen asennettavien painonappikorkkien ansiosta
- Runsaat avoimet tilat helppoa merkintää varten
- Nopea ja virheetön asennus M12-liittimen ansiosta

- slender shock-proof thermoplastic enclosure
- to be installed at an ergonomic favourable position
- to be fitted to commercial-off-the-shelf aluminium profiles
- Thermoplastic enclosure
- slender shock-proof enclosure
- large range of Illuminated pushbuttons, Selector switches, LED indicator lights, Key-operated selector switches and Emergency-Stop buttons
- Emergency stop, on/off and reset functions available
- The position of the pushbuttons on the control panel can be freely selected.
- Field labelling with separate plastic cover
- Freely installable button caps for an optimal adaptation to the plants

DHS Universal
- Door handle in an ergonomical design
- Can be combined with solenoid interlock AZM40 or safety sensor RSS260
- Can also be used without safety switchgear device
- For left or right hinged safety guards

- Modular expansion with up to 64 inputs / outputs
- 4 safe 2 A pp-switching semiconductor outputs, switchable to 2 safe p- / n-switching semiconductor outputs
- 14 safe inputs on the base module
- 2 Signalling outputs
- 2 safety relay contacts

- Modularly expandable to up to 272 safe inputs / outputs
- Safe spindle monitoring To EN 61800-5-2 (Safe Drive Monitoring) for up to 12 spindles
- 4 safe 2 A pp-switching semiconductor outputs, switchable to 2 safe p- / n-switching semiconductor outputs
- 14 safe inputs on the base module
- 20 switchable, safe inputs / outputs
- 6 Signalling outputs
- 2 safety relay contacts