The Safety Fieldbox in 3 variants PROFINET with PROFIsafe, EtherNet/IP with CIP Safety and EtherCAT with FSoE, enables a high degree of flexibility as a simple plug&play solution: all common types of safety switchgear can be connected.
Schmersal offers a wide range of safety switches with integrated AS-Interface Safety at Work interface, which can be easily networked with each other via this safety bus system. The AS-i system is very flexible, because the configuration can be easily changed even on existing machines.
The SD bus (SD = serial diagnostics) offers cost-efficient safety solutions. The SD interface allows mixed systems of sensors and interlocks. The diagnostics data from series-connected safety switchgear are transmitted to a higher-level field bus system. The SD interface system helps to implement predictive maintenance concepts.
The aim is to develop and implement the objectively best possible safety solution for the individual application - true to the slogan: excellence in safety.