Before entering the machine, a stop of the process must be requested. This task can be solved with the BDF200 control panel . The running process is completed after the stop request and then the door is unlocked. The AZM201 solenoid interlock prevents unintentional start of the machine after opening the door. All safety functions of the cell are performed by the PSC1 modular safety controller .
For example, pallets are transported into a hazardous area via the infeed and outfeed. Here it is necessary to protect the worker from dangerous movements. To distinguish the worker from a pallet, a differentiation between people and material is necessary. This is easily and reliably solved with the SLC445 safety light curtain and the MCU-02 muting module .
If goods or objects need to be transported in or out of the hazardous area without stopping the machine, the safety light curtain must be automatically and temporarily suspended. Two or four muting signals are used to detect whether a person is approaching the hazardous area or a transport system is entering or leaving the hazardous area.
En la intralogística, todos los días se ponen a punto las mercancías en el almacén y se preparan para su expedición, de la forma más libre de errores, rápida y eficaz posible. Tiempos de parada cortos gracias a las amplias funciones de diagnóstico: Los componentes de seguridad inteligentes, como nuestro enclavamiento por solenoide AZM201 con interfaz AS-i-SaW integrada, permiten encontrar rápidamente el origen del sensor en caso de irregularidades o averías
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