MH 302-11Y-M16
MH 302-11Y-M16
- med rullearm form H
- Tilslutning M16 x 1,5
- Mikroafbryder, støbegodsindkapsling
- olie- og bezinbestandig
Bestillings data
Produkttypebetegnelse |
MH 302-11Y-M16 |
Artikenummer (Bestillingsnummer) |
101168077 |
EAN (European Article Number) |
4030661220468 |
eCl@ss number, version 12.0 |
27-27-06-01 |
eCl@ss number, version 11.0 |
27-27-06-01 |
eCl@ss Nummer, Version 9.0 |
27-27-06-01 |
ETIM number, version 7.0 |
EC000030 |
ETIM number, version 6.0 |
EC000030 |
Globale egenskaber
Forskrifter |
EN IEC 60947-5-1 |
Materiale til kapsling |
Sprøjtestøbning med lette legeringer |
Materiale af husovertræk |
Painted (steelblue RAL 5011) |
Materiale til dækslet |
Light alloy die-casting |
Armmateriale |
Metal |
Bruttovægt |
100 g |
Generelle data - egenskaber
Antal bryderkontakter |
1 |
Antal blænder |
1 |
Mekaniske data
Aktuator |
Roller lever shape H |
Rullemateriale |
Glass-fibre, reinforced thermoplastic |
Mekanisk levetid, minimum |
30.000.000 koblinger |
Bemærk (omskiftetid) |
Skift i henhold til aktuatorfart |
Aktuatormoment, minimum |
0,2 Nm |
Mekaniske data - Tilslutning
Kabelføring |
M16 x 1,5 |
Tilslutning, Stik |
Skrue terminaler |
Tilslutningskvadrat , maksimum |
2,5 mm² |
Omgivende forhold
Beskyttelses klasse |
IP65 |
Ambient temperature |
-30 ... +90 °C |
Omgivende forhold - Isolationsparametre
Grad af forurening iht. VDE 0100 |
3 |
Elektrisk data
Termisk prøvestrøm |
6 A |
Brugskategori AC-15 |
220 VAC |
Brugskategori AC-15 |
2,5 A |
Koblingselement |
Change-over contact with double break |
Koblingsprincip |
Springkontakt med selvrensende kontakt |
Materiale til kontakterne, elektrisk |
Silver (AgNi 15) |
Produktbillede (katalogenkeltfoto)
Dimensionstegning, grundlæggende komponent
EU Declaration of Conformity | ![]() |
Original | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: |
Declaration: | We hereby certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the applicable European Directives. |
Name of the component: | M 302, M/T6..., M/T/Z 68..., M/T 69..., Z/T 415, Z/T 232 |
Description of the component: | Micro switches |
Relevant Directives: | Low Voltage Directive | 2014/35/EU |
RoHS-Directive | 2011/65/EU |
Applied standards: | EN 60947-5-1:2017 + AC:2020 |
Place and date of issue: | Wuppertal, February 1, 2023 |
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Authorised signature Philip Schmersal Managing Director |
UK Declaration of Conformity | ![]() |
Company: | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: |
Declaration: | We hereby, under sole responsibility, certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the relevant statutory requirements, regulations and designated standards of the United Kingdom. |
Name of the component: | M 302, M/T 6..., M/T/Z 68..., M/T 69..., Z/T 415, Z/T 232 |
Type: | See ordering code |
Description of the component: | Micro switches |
Relevant legislation: | Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations | 2016 |
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations | 2012 |
Designated standards: | EN 60947-5-1:2017 + AC:2020 |
UK-Importer / Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation: | Schmersal UK Ltd. Paul Kenney Unit 1, Sparrowhawk Close Enigma Business Park Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1GL |
Place and date of issue: | Wuppertal, February 6, 2023 |
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Authorised signature Philip Schmersal Managing Director |
Schmersal Danmark A/S, Arnold Nielsens Boulevard 72-74, 2650 Hvidovre
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Udarbejdet d. 18.03.2025 16.19