Product type description: SEPK02.0.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) SEPG05.3.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) SEP01.0.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) SEP01.4.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) SEPLC05.2.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) SEP07.0.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) SEP09.0.(1).(2).(3)/(4).(5) |
Command devices make and head diameter (control parts / emergency stop) depending on ➁ (with SEP09.0... emergency stop not featured) |
(1) | |
1 | Schmersal 55 mm / Schmersal 49 mm |
2 | Schmersal 42 mm / Schmersal 49 mm or Siemens 40 mm / Schmersal 49 mm |
3 | Schmersal 42 mm / Schmersal 38,5 mm or Siemens 40 mm / Siemens 40 mm |
4 | Schmersal 55 mm / Schmersal 38,5 mm |
L | Empty enclosure with 22.3 mm holes (no command devices installed) |
S-XXXX | Special version with 4-digit serial number |
(2) | |
0 | Command devices from Schmersal |
1 | Command devices from Schmersal or Schmersal / Siemens |
(3) | |
0 | Installation diameter of command devices (22.3 mm) |
1 | Installation diameter of command devices (30.5 mm) |
(4) | |
95 | NC contacts and NO contacts of control parts in separated form |
(5) | |
E1 | Mushroom button with actuating force 10.5 N |
E2 | Mushroom button with actuating force 7.0 N |
Z1 | Emergency stop with 2 NC contacts and 2 NO contacts (not with SEPK02.0....) |
Z2 | Switch interlock with 1 NC contact and 1 NO contact (yellow palm button with detent instead of emergency stop) |
Z3 | Switch interlock with 2 NC contacts and 2 NO contacts (yellow palm button with detent instead of emergency stop) |
Z4 | Switch interlock with 1 NC contact and 1 NO contact (yellow palm button with detent in addition to emergency stop) |
Z5 | Switch interlock with 2 NC contacts and 2 NO contacts (yellow palm button with detent in addition to emergency stop) |
Z6 | Pre-punched Al panel with 11 x Ø 22.3 mm holes (only for SEPLC05.2...) |
Z7 | As with Z6 though holes are sealed with dummy plugs (only for SEPLC05.2...) |
- Kunstof hus
- 2 sorte bremsetaster (positionsdele) Ø 55 mm
- 1 Nødstopsknap i termoplastudgave
- Stander og vægmontering mulig
- 2 delvist hus
Bestillings data
Produkttypebetegnelse |
SEPK02. |
Artikenummer (Bestillingsnummer) |
101027371 |
EAN (European Article Number) |
4250116202812 |
eCl@ss number, version 12.0 |
27-37-12-19 |
eCl@ss number, version 11.0 |
27-37-12-19 |
eCl@ss Nummer, Version 9.0 |
27-37-12-19 |
ETIM number, version 7.0 |
EC001260 |
ETIM number, version 6.0 |
EC001260 |
Godkendelser - Forskrifter
cULus |
Globale egenskaber
Forskrifter |
EN ISO 13850 EN ISO 13851 EN IEC 60947-5-1 EN IEC 60947-5-5 EN IEC 60947-1 |
Materiale til kapsling |
Plastik |
Bruttovægt |
1.900 g |
Generelle data - egenskaber
Passende til NØDSLUK |
Ja |
Konstruktionssæt muligt |
Ja |
Antal nødstopsknapper |
1 |
Antal bryderkontakter |
1 |
Antal blænder |
1 |
Antal af driftstrykknapper (placeringsdele) |
2 |
Mekaniske data
Mekanisk levetid, minimum |
10.000.000 koblinger |
Mekaniske data - Tilslutning
Tilslutning, Stik |
Skrueforbindelse M20 x 1.5 |
Tilslutningskvadrat , maksimum |
1,5 mm² |
Mekaniske data - afmåling
Bredde |
469 mm |
Højde |
185 mm |
Dybde |
137 mm |
Længde x Bredde x Højde |
Driftstrykknapper (placeringsdele): 55 mm Nødstoptrykknap: 38.5 mm |
Omgivende forhold
Beskyttelses klasse |
IP65 |
Omgivende forhold - Isolationsparametre
Isolations spænding |
440 V |
Elektrisk data
Termisk prøvestrøm |
10 A |
Brugskategori AC-15 |
250 VAC |
Brugskategori AC-15 |
8 A |
Brugskategori DC-13 |
24 VDC |
Brugskategori DC-13 |
5 A |
Anbefaling (produktkombination) |
Bemærk (generelt) |
1 NO/1 NC-afbryder pr. enhed, 1 NO/1 NC-afbryder for nødstop Valgfrit: Steldele med lavere aktiveringskraft 8 knockouts for yderligere bremseenheder Ø 22,3 mm |
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Dimensionstegning, grundlæggende komponent
UK Declaration of Conformity | ![]() |
Company: | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: |
Declaration: | We hereby, under sole responsibility, certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the relevant statutory requirements, regulations and designated standards of the United Kingdom. |
Name of the component: | SEPK02.0... / SEPG05.3... / SEP01.0... / SEP01.4... / SEPLC05.2... / SEP07... / SEP09.0... |
Type: | See ordering code |
Description of the component: | Two-hand control panel with1) and without emergency-stop (optionally with stand) |
Relevant legislation: | 1)Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations | 2008 |
Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations | 2016 | |
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations | 2012 |
Designated standards: | EN ISO 13851:2019 EN 60947-5-1:2017 1) EN 60947-5-5:1997 + A1:2005 + A11:2013 + A2:2017 |
UK-Importer / Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation: | Schmersal UK Ltd. Paul Kenney Unit 1, Sparrowhawk Close Enigma Business Park Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1GL |
Place and date of issue: | Wuppertal, April 8, 2022 |
![]() |
Authorised signature Philip Schmersal Managing Director |
EU-overensstemmelseserklæring | ![]() |
Original | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: |
Forklaring: | Hermed erklærer vi, at de nedenfor anførte komponenter svarer til de nedenfor anførte europæiske direktiver på basis af deres udførelse og konstruktionstype. |
Komponentens betegnelse: | SEPK02.0… / SEPG05.3… / SEP01.0… / SEP01.4… / SEPLC05.2… / SEP07… / SEP09.0… |
Type: | se typenøgle |
Komponentens beskrivelse: | Tohåndsbetjeningspult med1) og uden NØDSTOP (med tilvalg af stander) |
Relevante direktiver: | 1) Maskindirektivet | 2006/42/EG |
Lavspændingsdirektiv | 2014/35/EU | |
RoHS-direktivet | 2011/65/EU |
Anvendte standarder: | EN ISO 13851:2019 EN 60947-5-1:2017 1) EN 60947-5-5:1997 + A1:2005 + A11:2013 + A2:2017 |
Befuldmægtiget til sammenstilling af den tekniske dokumentation: | Oliver Wacker Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal |
Sted og dato for udstedelsen: | Wuppertal, 2. december 2020 |
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Forpligtende underskrift Philip Schmersal Direktør |
Schmersal Danmark A/S, Arnold Nielsens Boulevard 72-74, 2650 Hvidovre
De nævnte data og angivelser er blevet checket omhyggeligt. Billeder kan afvige fra originalen. Der kan findes flere tekniske data i manualen. Der tages forbehold for tekniske ændringer og fejl.
Udarbejdet d. 14.03.2025 22.17