TQ 215

TQ 215

  • metal hus
  • Design til EN 50047
  • Hurtig tilslutningstekning med drejede tilslutningsklemmer i 45°
  • Kabelindgang 1 x M20 x 1,5
Product type description:

215Metal enclosure
215Llike 215 with elongated hole
315Metal enclosure

withoutPulling direction of the towing eye upwards
ALPulling direction of the towing eye to the left
ARPulling direction of the towing eye to the right

111 NO contact/1 NC contact
022 NC contact
121 NO contact/2 NC contacts

withoutContacts silver plated (Standard)
A1Gold contacts 0,3 μm
A2Gold contacts 1,0 μm
A3Gold contacts 3,0 μm

withoutwithout LED
GStatus LED

withoutCable entry M20
STConnector plug M12, 4-pole or 8-pole
STMConnector plug M12, metal, 4-pole or 8-pole
Ikke alle komponent varianter, som er mulige iht. denne produktkode er tilgængelig og/eller teknisk mulig.


Artikelnummer 103044929

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