Product type description: PS(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-(11)-(12) |
(1) | |
without | non-EX version |
EX | Types of protection Ex d and t, to Zone 1/21 |
EXI | Types of protection Ex i and t, up to Zone 1/21 |
(2) | |
315 | Metal enclosure |
316 | Thermoplastic enclosure |
(3) | |
without | L-hole (standard) |
L | elongated hole |
(4) | |
Z11 | Snap action 1 NO contact / 1 NC contact |
Z02 | Snap action 2 NC contacts |
Z12 | Snap action 1 NO contact / 2 NC contact |
Z11R | Snap action 1 NO contact / 1 NC contact with latching |
Z01R | Snap action 1 NC contact with latching |
Z02R | Snap action 2 NC contacts with latching |
T11 | Slow action 1 NO contact / 1 NC contact |
T02 | Slow action 2 NC contacts |
T20 | Slow action 2 NO contact |
T12 | Slow action 1 NO contact / 2 NC contact |
T21 | Slow action 2 NO contact / 1 NC contact |
T03 | Slow action 3 NC contacts |
T11UE | Slow action 1 NO contact / 1 NC contact with overlapping contacts |
T02H | Slow action 2 NC contacts with staggered contacts |
T11K | Slow action 1 NO contact + 1 NC contact - short-stroke |
T10 | Slow action 1 NO contact |
T02K | Slow action 2 NO contacts short-stroke |
T20H | Slow action 2 NO contacts staggered |
(5) | |
without | Contacts silver plated (Standard) |
A1 | Gold contacts 0,3 μm |
A2 | Gold contacts 1,0 μm |
A3 | Gold contacts 3,0 μm |
(6) | |
without | without indication light |
G | integrated status display |
(7) | |
without | Cable entry M20 |
ST | Connector plug M12 - plastic - bottom |
STM | Connector plug M12, metal |
(8) | |
S200 | plunger S200 Ø 6 mm |
S300 | Plunger - plastic - tappet width Ø 9 mm |
S310 | Plunger - plastic - tappet width Ø 9 mm - with bellows |
R300 | Roller plunger - plastic roller - width 4.6 mm |
R302 | Roller plunger - brass roller - width 4.6 mm |
R310 | Roller plunger - plastic roller - width 4.6 mm |
K360 | Angle roller lever with plastic roller Ø 20 mm - left-bent |
K370 | Angle roller lever with plastic roller Ø 20 mm - right-bent |
H300 | Roller lever - plastic roller Ø 25 mm |
H301 | Roller lever - stainless steel roller Ø 25 mm |
H302 | Roller lever - brass roller Ø 25 mm |
H310 | Roller lever - plastic roller Ø 20 mm |
H311 | Roller lever - stainless steel roller Ø 20 mm |
H312 | Roller lever - brass roller Ø 20m |
H326 | Roller lever - rubber roller Ø 20mm |
H330 | Roller lever |
N300 | Roller lever - plastic roller Ø 25 mm |
N301 | Roller lever - stainless steel roller Ø 20 mm |
N306 | Roller lever - rubber roller Ø 50mm |
N360 | Roller lever - plastic roller Ø 20 mm - width 9.8 mm - 24 to 116 mm long |
N370 | Roller lever - plastic roller Ø 20 mm - width 9.8 mm - 128 - 168 mm long |
J300 | Rod lever - plastic - 200mm -Ø 6mm |
F230 | Spring rod - stainless steel - 150.4 mm |
F231 | Spring rod - stainless steel - 70.2 mm |
A200 | Special actuating bolt - plastic - valve control |
(9) | |
without | no intent rotation (Standard) |
U1 | intent rotation 45° |
U2 | intent rotation 90° |
U3 | intent rotation 135° |
U4 | intent rotation 180° |
U5 | intent rotation 225° |
U6 | intent rotation 275° |
U7 | intent rotation 315° |
(10) | |
without | no lever rotation (Standard) |
X1 | lever rotation 15° |
X2 | lever rotation 30° |
X3 | lever rotation 45° |
X4 | lever rotation 60° |
X5 | lever rotation 75° |
X6 | lever rotation 90° |
X7 | lever rotation 105° |
X8 | lever rotation 120° |
X9 | lever rotation 135° |
X10 | lever rotation 150° |
X11 | lever rotation 165° |
X12 | lever rotation 180° |
X13 | lever rotation 195° |
X14 | lever rotation 210° |
X15 | lever rotation 225° |
X16 | lever rotation 240° |
X17 | lever rotation 255° |
X18 | lever rotation 270° |
X19 | lever rotation 285° |
X20 | lever rotation 300° |
X21 | lever rotation 315° |
X22 | lever rotation 330° |
X23 | lever rotation 345° |
(11) | |
without | Roller outside (Standard) |
I | Roller inside |
(12) | |
without | -30...+80°C (Standard) |
T | -40...+80°C |
(13) | |
Speze | -9990 |
(14) | |
without | Zone 2 and 22 |
3GD | Zone 2 and 22 |
2D | Zone 21 |
3D | Zone 22 |
- Hurtig tilslutningstekning med drejede tilslutningsklemmer i 45°
- Kabelindgang 1 x M20 x 1,5
- med gummirulle 50 mm diameter
- Kunststofhus med sammenklappeligt frontdæksel
- Enkel og hurtig omstilling af aktuatorelementerne i 45°
- Design til EN 50041
- Armvinkel justerbar i trin på 15° Lever angle
- indstillelig i længde i 2 mm trin
- LED-version tilgængelig
Bestillings data
Produkttypebetegnelse |
PS316-T11-N306 |
Artikenummer (Bestillingsnummer) |
103031881 |
EAN (European Article Number) |
4030661639321 |
eCl@ss number, version 12.0 |
27-27-26-01 |
eCl@ss number, version 11.0 |
27-27-26-01 |
eCl@ss Nummer, Version 9.0 |
27-27-26-01 |
ETIM number, version 7.0 |
EC000030 |
ETIM number, version 6.0 |
EC000030 |
Godkendelser - Forskrifter
cULus |
Globale egenskaber
Forskrifter |
EN IEC 60947-5-1 |
Konstruktionsform på hus |
Norm konstruktionsdesign |
Aktuatortype iht. DIN EN 50041 |
A |
Materiale til kapsling |
Plastik, glasfiberforstærket |
Bruttovægt |
163 g |
Generelle data - egenskaber
Sikkerhedsfunktionerne |
Ja |
Antal hjælpekontakter |
1 |
Antal sikkerhedskontakter |
1 |
At standardisere, Forskrifter |
EN ISO 13849-1 |
B10D Normally-closed contact (NC) |
20.000.000 koblinger |
Brugstid |
20 År |
Mekaniske data
Rullemateriale |
Gummi |
Mekanisk levetid, minimum |
10.000.000 koblinger |
Tvangsåbnings kraft, minimum |
50 N |
Aktiveringshastighed, minimum |
60 mm/min |
Aktiveringshastighed, maksimum |
1 m/s |
Tightening torque of the fixing screws |
1,2 Nm |
Mekaniske data - Tilslutning
Tilslutning, Stik |
Skrueforbindelse M20 x 1.5 |
Tilslutningskvadrat, minimum |
0,34 mm² |
Tilslutningskvadrat , maksimum |
1,5 mm² |
Tightening torque of electrical connection, minimum |
0,6 Nm |
Tilspændingsmoment for den elektriske tilslutning, maksimum |
0,8 Nm |
Bemærk (kabelindgang) |
Absetzlänge des Leiters 5...6mm |
Mekaniske data - afmåling
Længde på føler |
37 mm |
Bredde på føler |
41 mm |
Højde på føler |
168 mm |
Omgivende forhold
Beskyttelses klasse |
IP66 IP67 |
Ambient temperature |
-30 ... +80 °C |
Beskyttelsestal |
II |
Omgivende forhold - Isolationsparametre
Isolations spænding |
300 V |
Fastsat impulsmodstandsspænding |
4 kV |
Grad af forurening iht. IEC/EN 60947-1 |
3 |
Elektrisk data
Termisk prøvestrøm |
10 A |
Betinget kortslutningsstrøm iht. EN 60947-5-1 {A} |
400 A |
Brugskategori AC-15 |
240 VAC |
Brugskategori DC-13 |
24 VDC |
Brugskategori DC-13 |
3 A |
Koblingselement |
1 Sluttekontakt (NO), 1 Brydekontakt (NC) |
Koblingsprincip |
Klide kontakt |
Koblingsfrekvens |
5.000 /h |
Materiale til kontakterne, elektrisk |
Sølv |
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Dimensionstegning, grundlæggende komponent
Dimensionstegning, aktuator
Diagram over afbrydervandring
EU-overensstemmelseserklæring | ![]() |
Original | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: |
Forklaring: | Hermed erklærer vi, at de nedenfor anførte komponenter svarer til de nedenfor anførte europæiske direktiver på basis af deres udførelse og konstruktionstype. |
Komponentens betegnelse: | PS116, PS215, PS216, PS226, PS315, PS316 |
Type: | se typenøgle |
Komponentens beskrivelse: | Positionsafbryder |
Relevante direktiver: | Lavspændingsdirektiv | 2014/35/EU |
RoHS-direktivet | 2011/65/EU |
Anvendte standarder: | EN 60947-5-1:2017 |
Befuldmægtiget til sammenstilling af den tekniske dokumentation: | Oliver Wacker Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal |
Sted og dato for udstedelsen: | Wuppertal, 3. marts 2021 |
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Forpligtende underskrift Philip Schmersal Direktør |
UK Declaration of Conformity | ![]() |
Company: | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: |
Declaration: | We hereby, under sole responsibility, certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the relevant statutory requirements, regulations and designated standards of the United Kingdom. |
Name of the component: | PS116, PS215, PS216, PS226, PS315, PS316 |
Type: | See ordering code |
Description of the component: | Position switches |
Relevant legislation: | Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations | 2016 |
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations | 2012 |
Designated standards: | EN 60947-5-1:2017 |
UK-Importer / Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation: | Schmersal UK Ltd. Paul Kenney Unit 1, Sparrowhawk Close Enigma Business Park Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1GL |
Place and date of issue: | Wuppertal, August 19, 2021 |
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Authorised signature Philip Schmersal Managing Director |
Schmersal Danmark A/S, Arnold Nielsens Boulevard 72-74, 2650 Hvidovre
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Udarbejdet d. 10.03.2025 03.04