- Sikker feltboks til EtherNet/IP med CIP Safety
- For tilslutning af op til 8 sikkerhedskomponenter
- Integreret Dual-Port switch
- Beskyttelses klasse IP66, IP67
Bestillings data
Produkttypebetegnelse |
Artikenummer (Bestillingsnummer) |
103015480 |
EAN (European Article Number) |
4030661628691 |
eCl@ss number, version 12.0 |
27-24-26-04 |
eCl@ss number, version 11.0 |
27-24-26-04 |
eCl@ss Nummer, Version 9.0 |
27-24-26-04 |
ETIM number, version 7.0 |
EC001599 |
ETIM number, version 6.0 |
EC001599 |
Godkendelser - Forskrifter
Globale egenskaber
Forskrifter |
EN IEC 61131-1 EN IEC 61131-2 EN ISO 13849-1 EN IEC 60947-5-3 EN IEC 61508 |
Materiale til kapsling |
Plastik, Polyamid PA 6 GV |
Materiale af etiket |
Plastik, Polyamid PA |
Materiale på skueglas |
Polyamid PACM 12 |
Materiale, elektronikstøbegods |
Polyuretan 2K PU |
Bruttovægt |
649 g |
Generelle data - egenskaber
Integreret display, generelt |
Ja |
At standardisere, Forskrifter |
EN ISO 13849-1 EN IEC 61508 |
Sikkerhedsklassifikation - Sikkerhedsindgange 2-kanal
Performance Level, til |
e |
Kontrolkategori |
4 |
Diagnostic Coverage (DC) Level |
99 % |
PFH-værdi |
1,10 x 10⁻⁹ /h |
PFDavg |
9,60 x 10⁻⁵ |
Safety Integrity Level (SIL), egnet i |
3 |
Missionstid |
20 År |
Reaktionstid, lokal sikkerhedsindgang ⇒ feltbus, maksimum |
20 ms |
Bemærk |
SFB'en opfylder kravene som PDDB (nærhedsafbryder med defineret adfærd ved fejlbetingelser) iflg. EN 60947-5-3 i forbindelse med magnetsensorer (2 bryderkontakter) indtil PLe / SIL 3. |
Sikkerhedsklassifikation - Sikkerhedsindgange 1-kanal
Performance Level, til |
d |
Kontrolkategori |
2 |
Diagnostic Coverage (DC) Level |
90 % |
PFH-værdi |
2,30 x 10⁻⁷ /h |
PFDavg |
2,00 x 10⁻² |
Safety Integrity Level (SIL), egnet i |
1 |
Missionstid |
20 År |
Reaktionstid, lokal sikkerhedsindgang ⇒ feltbus, maksimum |
20 ms |
Testinterval for fejlregistrering |
10 s |
Sikkerhedsklassifikation - Sikkerhedsudgange 1-kanal
Performance Level, til |
d |
Kontrolkategori |
3 |
Diagnostic Coverage (DC) Level |
90 % |
PFH-værdi |
1,00 x 10⁻⁷ /h |
PFDavg |
8,80 x 10⁻³ |
Safety Integrity Level (SIL), egnet i |
2 |
Missionstid |
20 År |
Reaktionstid: feltbus ⇒ lokal sikkerhedsudgang, maksimum |
50 ms |
Sikkerhedsklassifikation - Sikkerhedsudgange 2-kanal
Performance Level, til |
e |
Kontrolkategori |
4 |
Diagnostic Coverage (DC) Level |
99 % |
PFH-værdi |
1,20 x 10⁻⁹ /h |
PFDavg |
1,10 x 10⁻⁴ |
Safety Integrity Level (SIL), egnet i |
3 |
Missionstid |
20 År |
Reaktionstid: feltbus ⇒ lokal sikkerhedsudgang, maksimum |
50 ms |
Mekaniske data
Fastgørelse |
Skruer |
Version af monteringsskruer |
2x M6 |
Til- |
3 Nm |
Type of the fixing screws, viewing window |
2x TX10 (Torx) |
Tightening torque of the fastening screws for the viewing window, maximum |
0,6 Nm |
Mekaniske data - Tilslutning
Tilslutning, Stik |
M12 Forbindelsesfatning / Stik |
Tilslutning Stik, Indgang/Udgang |
X0 - X7: M12, 8-polet, A-kodet |
Tilslutning, Stik, Power I/O |
M12 POWER, 4-polet, T-kodet |
Tilslutning, stik, feltbus |
M12, 4-polet, D-kodet |
Tightening torque of electrical connection, minimum |
0,8 Nm |
Tilspændingsmoment for den elektriske tilslutning, maksimum |
1,5 Nm |
Mekaniske data - afmåling
Længde |
222,8 mm |
Bredde |
63 mm |
Højde |
36,1 mm |
Omgivende forhold
Beskyttelses klasse |
IP66 IP67 |
Ambient temperature |
-25 ... +55 °C |
Storage and transport temperature |
-25 ... +70 °C |
Relativ fugtighed, minimum |
10 % |
Relativ fugtighed, maksimum |
95 % |
Bemærk (relativ fugtighed) |
ikke kondenserende |
Vibrationsstabilitet iht. EN 60068-2-6 |
10 … 150 Hz, amplitude 0,35 mm / 5 g |
Modstand over for slag |
30 g / 11 ms |
Beskyttelsestal |
Tilladt opstillingshøjde over NN, maksimum |
2.000 m |
Omgivende forhold - Isolationsparametre
Isolations spænding |
32 VDC |
Fastsat impulsmodstandsspænding |
0,8 kV |
Overspændingskategori |
Grad af forurening iht. IEC/EN 60664-1 |
3 |
Elektrisk data
Operating voltage |
24 VDC -15 % / +10 % |
Strømforbrug |
200 mA |
Rated operating voltage |
24 VDC |
Forsyningsstrøm |
10.000 mA |
Bemærk (elektriske data, sikringstal) |
External fuse protection required ≤ 10A slow blow when used to UL 61010. |
Forsinkelse, maksimal |
12.000 ms |
Device Watchdog Time |
12 ms |
Reaction Time Safety Input, maximum |
20 ms |
Reaction Time Safety Output, maximum |
50 ms |
Elektriske data - Kommunikationsprotokol
Fieldbus protocol |
EtherNet/IP / CIP Safety |
Fieldbus specification |
V1.27 |
Specification safety fieldbus |
V2.22 |
Fieldbus properties |
Device Level Ring (DLR) |
Bitrate |
100 Mbit/s Full Duplex |
Adressering |
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) / BootP |
Integreret kontakt |
Dual Port, 100 Mbit/s |
Fieldbus services |
Servicegrænseflade |
WEB-Interface HTTP |
Elektrisk data - Enhedsforbindelser
Bezeichnung, Geräteanschlüsse |
X0 ... X7 |
Cable length, device port |
30 m |
Elektriske data - spændingsforsyning eksterne enheder
Betegnelse, spændingsforsyning |
A1 and A2 |
Rated operating voltage |
24 VDC |
Rated operating current |
800 mA |
Internal electrical fuse |
1.5 A (Integrated automatic resettable fuse) |
Elektrisk data - sikre digitale indgange
Betegnelse, sikkerhedsindgange |
X1 and X2 |
Omkoblingstærskler den sikkerhedsindgange |
−3 V … 5 V (Low) 13 V ... 30 V (High) |
Strømforbrug på sikkerhedsindgangene ved 24V |
6 mA |
Permissible residual drive current |
1 mA |
Test pulse duration, minimum |
0,01 ms |
Test pulse duration, maximum |
1 ms |
Test pulse interval, minimum |
20 ms |
Test pulse interval, maximum |
120.000 ms |
Klassificering ZVEI CB24I, sænkning |
C1 |
Klassificering ZVEI CB24I, kilde |
C1 C2 C3 |
Elektrisk data - sikre digitale udgange
Betegnelse, Sikkerhedsudgange |
DO |
Version |
kortslutningssikker, P-type |
Spændingsfald Ud, maksimum |
2 V |
Reststrøm |
0,5 mA |
Spænding, brugskategori DC-12 |
24 VDC |
Strøm, brugskategori DC-12 |
0,8 A |
Spænding, brugskategori DC-13 |
24 VDC |
Strøm, brugskategori DC-13 |
0,8 A |
Bemærk, brugskategori DC-13 |
Inductive load, maximum 400 mH |
Switching frequency, maximum |
1 Hz |
Test pulse duration, maximum |
1 ms |
Test pulse interval, minimum |
15 ms |
Test pulse interval, maximum |
500 ms |
Klassificering ZVEI CB24I, kilde |
C1 |
Klassificering ZVEI CB24I, sænkning |
C1 |
Elektrisk data - Diagnostiske input/ FB interface
Designation, Diagnostic inputs / FB-Interface |
DI |
Switching thresholds |
−3 V … 5 V (Low) 15 V … 30 V (High) |
Current consumption at 24V |
12 mA |
Input debounce filter |
10 ms |
Data transfer rate FB-Interface |
19,2 kBaud |
Elektriske data - Taktudgang
Betegnelse, taktudgange |
Y1 and Y2 |
Design of control elements |
kortslutningssikker, P-type |
Spændingsfald Ud, maksimum |
1 V |
Current leakage Ir, maximum |
0,5 mA |
Spænding, brugskategori DC-12 |
24 VDC |
Y1 rated current at 24 V |
15 mA |
Y2 rated current at 24 V |
10 mA |
Y2 rated current at 0 V |
30 mA |
Test pulse interval, typical |
500 ms |
Test pulse duration, maximum |
1 ms |
Klassificering ZVEI CB24I, sænkning |
C1 |
Klassificering ZVEI CB24I, kilde |
C1 |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 01
Status LED |
Error LED Apparattilslutning |
LED-position |
E: 0 ... 7 |
LED-farve |
grøn/rød |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 02
Status LED |
Input-LED, apparattilslutning |
LED-position |
I: 0 ... 7 |
LED-farve |
Gul |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 03
Status LED |
Link-LED, ethernetport |
LED-position |
L: P1 + P2 |
LED-farve |
grøn |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 04
Status LED |
Aktivitets-LED, ethernetport |
LED-position |
A: P1 + P2 |
LED-farve |
Gul |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 05
Status LED |
Module status LED |
LED-position |
"MS": Module |
LED-farve |
grøn/rød |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 06
Status LED |
Network Status LED |
LED-position |
"NS": Modul |
LED-farve |
grøn/rød |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 07
Status LED |
Error LED feltboks |
LED-position |
"Err": Modul |
LED-farve |
grøn/rød |
Tilstandsvisning - LED 08
Status LED |
Power LED feltboks |
LED-position |
"Pwr": Modul |
LED-farve |
grøn |
Forskellige data
Tip (applikationsanvendelsesformål) |
Sikker feltboks med decentrale I/O´s |
Sprog filter
Driftsvejledning og Erklæring om konformitet
UKCA Certifikat
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Produktbillede (katalogenkeltfoto)
Dimensionstegning, grundlæggende komponent
EU Declaration of Conformity |
Original | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: www.schmersal.com |
Declaration: | We hereby certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the applicable European Directives. |
Name of the component: | SFB-EIP |
Type: | See ordering code |
Description of the component: | Safety fieldbox (IO module with fieldbox interface) |
Relevant Directives: | Machinery Directive | 2006/42/EC |
EMC-Directive | 2014/30/EU | |
RoHS-Directive | 2011/65/EU |
Applied standards: | EN 61131-2:2007 EN 60947-5-3:2013 EN ISO 13849-1:2015 IEC 61508 parts 1-7:2010 |
Notified body for Type Examination: | TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Am Grauen Stein, 51105 Köln ID n°: 0035 |
EC-Type Examination Certificate: | 01/205/5878.03/23 |
Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation: | Oliver Wacker Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal |
Place and date of issue: | Wuppertal, June 5, 2023 |
Authorised signature Philip Schmersal Managing Director |
UK Declaration of Conformity |
Company: | K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG Möddinghofe 30 42279 Wuppertal Germany Internet: www.schmersal.com |
Declaration: | We hereby, under sole responsibility, certify that the hereafter described components both in their basic design and construction conform to the relevant statutory requirements, regulations and designated standards of the United Kingdom. |
Name of the component: | SFB-PN-IRT SFB-EIP |
Type: | See ordering code |
Description of the component: | Safety fieldbox (IO module with fieldbox interface) |
Relevant legislation: | Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations | 2008 |
Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations | 2016 | |
The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations | 2012 |
Designated standards: | EN 61131-2:2007 EN 60947-5-3:2013 EN ISO 13849-1:2015 EN 61508 parts 1-7:2010 |
Approved body for Type Examination: | TÜV Rheinland UK Ltd. 1011 Stratford Road Solihull, B90 4BN ID: 2571 |
Type examination certificate: | 01/205U/5878.01/23 |
UK-Importer / Person authorised for the compilation of the technical documentation: | Schmersal UK Ltd. Paul Kenney Unit 1, Sparrowhawk Close Enigma Business Park Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1GL |
Place and date of issue: | Wuppertal, October 16, 2023 |
Authorised signature Philip Schmersal Managing Director |
Schmersal Danmark A/S, Arnold Nielsens Boulevard 72-74, 2650 Hvidovre
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Udarbejdet d. 03.02.2025 15.54